Introduction to Selection of Large Diameter Water Meters

Time:2022-08-15 Clicks:

Large-diameter water meters are metering products used in agricultural irrigation, main pipelines, fire-fighting pipelines, factories and other scenarios. If the wrong type is selected, it will bring a series of losses, such as inaccurate metering, inability to collect water charges, serious leakage, etc. Etc., for water supply companies, providing accurate water revenue data is their most critical task, and it is also the premise and foundation of the existence of the metering department. Use appropriate large-diameter water meters and supporting systems to conduct leakage monitoring within the scope. Detection, timely discovery of loopholes, and promote the intelligent development of water affairs.

In order to solve the various problems currently existing in the water company, water meter manufacturers have developed a variety of large-caliber water meter products for water companies, such as vertical screw smart water meters, horizontal screw smart water meters, rotary-wing mechanical water meters, and screw-wing mechanical water meters. Water meters, IoT large-diameter water meters, ultrasonic large-diameter water meters, etc., as long as you find out the characteristics and advantages of each large-diameter water meter, and select a reasonable type according to the use environment, it can greatly improve the utilization rate of water resources and improve the measurement effect.

The large-caliber smart water meter of the large-caliber water meter is equipped with NB-IOT IoT module and meter reading technology to achieve high-precision measurement, remote meter reading, stepped billing, leakage monitoring, mobile payment and other functions, because it is different from traditional The measurement, payment, meter reading and other methods of water meters have made them appear in life as a new evolutionary product on the road of historical succession. As an important classification of water meters, smart water meters meet the water meter standards GB/T778.1~3-2007 "Cold Water Meter", CJ/T133-2012 "IC Card Cold Water Meter", CJ/T224-2012 "Electronic Remote Water Meter" Standard" etc.

The mechanical water meter of large-diameter water meter is divided into rotary-wing water meter and screw-wing water meter according to different internal structures. It only has a simple accumulative metering function. The water flow impacts the impeller to drive the rotating shaft to realize the statistics of water consumption. It has single performance, long service life and low price. , suitable for water supply enterprises that can endure monthly meter reading.

Ultrasonic water meter is a large-diameter water meter. There are no moving parts inside and no blocking elements. It is not affected by impurities in the water and has a long service life. The output communication function is complete, to meet various communication and wireless networking requirements, features: low initial flow rate, wide range ratio, high measurement accuracy and stable operation. Disadvantage: Expensive, if you want to know more about large-caliber water meters, you can directly inquire our Dongguan Wuyang water meter manufacturer: 15322996625.