Why does the water meter spin

Time:2022-08-15 Clicks:

Why does the water meter rotate, and the rotation is because of what aspect of the water meter, I will talk about it below.

1. The pressure difference between the front and rear water meters when using water.

Both the old mechanical water meter and the new smart water meter rely on the kinetic energy generated by the flow of water in it to drive the operation of the gears, thereby achieving the purpose of measuring the water flow. Since water is a liquid, it is usually not compressible, but if the pressure of the water supply pipeline is high, the water will show a certain degree of compressibility at this time. In the water supply pipeline of the secondary water supply, the pressure fluctuates It is unavoidable that when the user does not use water, there will be water accumulation in the pipes connected to the front and rear ends of the water meter. When the pressure rises, the volume of the water in the pipe behind the meter will shrink due to the increase in pressure, which will cause water to flow through the water meter, resulting in positive rotation. Conversely, when the pressure decreases, the volume of the compressed water will expand due to the decrease in pressure, which will also cause water to pass through the water meter and reverse. Although the water intake is the same, the reading on the water meter will vary widely. Due to the pressure of the pump, a certain pressure difference is generated before and after the water meter, which will cause the water meter to rotate without water.

2. Airbag.

Most of the production processes of water supply companies are constructed in the open air, so a large amount of gas will be incorporated into the water during the production process. If the exhaust valve on the pipeline is set unreasonably, the gas will not be easily cleaned. Of course, because of the high compressibility of gas, if there is pressure fluctuation on the pipe network at this time, it will cause the water meter to rotate, and the rotation amount of the water meter will be very large.

3. Insufficient spacing of water meter pipes.

At present, many users' water meters are still old-fashioned mechanical water meters, and they all use the old installation method, and multiple water meters are installed in the same water meter well. There may be too small distance between water meters, and the straight pipe section before and after is not long enough, and the branch pipe is too thin. and so on. Insufficient water flow in the branch pipe will cause negative pressure to form near the water user branch, and the water pressure balance between the water meters will be broken. When the water is stopped, the water meter will rotate due to pressure.

If you want to know more about the water meter, you can directly call the hotline of Dongguan Wuyang Water Meter Manufacturing Co., Ltd. for consultation, we will give you detailed answers according to your questions, and hope that our professional Answers and suggestions can help you.