Introduction to the principle and design of dry remote water meter

Time:2022-08-15 Clicks:

Dry remote water meters are divided into dry M-BUS remote water meters, dry 485 remote water meters, dry lora remote water meters, NB-IOT IoT water meters, etc. Since the NBIOT technology has been popularized and applied by people, various Large operators have begun to actively promote this narrow-band Internet of Things technology. Today, we will not talk about other water meters, but will talk about the principle and design of dry NB-IOT remote water meters. Let's take a look.

Starting with the NB-IOT Internet of Things, now the Internet of Things has extended to various industries in various provinces and cities across the country, such as shared bicycles, smart water affairs, smart cities, etc., making our lives more intelligent and scientific. Therefore, in order to keep up with the times, many water meter manufacturers have begun to combine NBIOT technology with dry remote water meters to create NBIOT dry remote water meters, giving people another new water metering method.

NBIOT dry remote water meter has wireless remote transmission technology, which can realize remote collection, meter reading, management and other operations, and upload data directly to the cloud management platform, so as to realize the analysis, processing, storage and backup of water data, on the one hand, it guarantees The water data is not lost or damaged, and on the other hand, the water company has realized the analysis and management of big data.

Reminder: When users use NBIOT dry remote water meter, in order to increase the service life of the water meter, they should strictly abide by its usage specifications, and also do regular verification, maintenance, and replacement of the water meter to prevent abnormal measurement and failure of the water meter. . If you want to know more about the remote water meter, you can directly inquire our Dongguan Wuyang water meter manufacturer: 15322996625.