Advantages of IoT water meters

Time:2022-08-15 Clicks:

1. Easy to install

The Internet of Things water meter does not require wiring construction, and the amount of engineering is very small. Therefore, the use of the Internet of Things water meter can facilitate the installation of the water meter and save a fee for the water company.

2. Remote meter reading, pipe network detection

No manual meter reading is required. Compared with the traditional method, it can effectively avoid the loss of water bills caused by pipeline leakage or misinterpretation of leakage, and can greatly reduce the operating cost of water companies; thus providing more targeted data It is unified, easy to manage, and scientifically and rationally guides the construction and transformation of the water pipe network. It helps to reduce the cost of meter reading, collect and analyze real-time data, troubleshoot in time, reduce operating costs and improve efficiency.

3. Low power consumption

In some equipment and occasions where the battery cannot be replaced frequently, such as remote water meters installed in the water supply network, it is impossible for them to be powered on at any time every day, so a battery life of several years is a basic requirement. Under the premise that battery technology cannot improve lifespan and save costs, the only way to extend battery lifespan is to adopt ultra-low power consumption designs. Tests have shown that the power consumption of the IoT water meter can meet the specification requirements of continuous use for 6 years at the frequency of data collection and diligent use in ordinary environments.

4. Wide coverage

It has the advantages of wide coverage, large capacity and high reliability, and has a strong ability to cover areas.

If you want to know more about the water meter, you can directly call the hotline of Dongguan Wuyang Water Meter Manufacturing Co., Ltd. for consultation, we will give you detailed answers according to your questions, and hope that our professional Answers and suggestions can help you.

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